Samia - Pants

Pants by Samia Song lyrics

Pants is track no. 13 on Samia's forthcoming album, "Bloodless." The track was produced by Caleb Wright & Lupin, and written by Samia, Raffaella, Caleb Wright, Lupin & brotherkenzie.

Samia - Pants Song Lyrics are added here.

There's us again
In a 747
Over the ocean
That's how you ruin that

Weightless, eyes closed, let it go
Let it take you down
Take me down

Am I missing something?
Who was I when I bought these pants?
They're non-refundable
Now I'm questioning everything I am

Samia - Pants Song Lyrics continue below:
Weightless, eyes closed, let it go
Let it take you down
Weightless, eyes closed, let it go
Let it come around

Not today, no ballroom tears
I can't make this disappear
And how long has it been here?
And how long have I been here?
But wait what is that sound
It's sharp, it's sad, it's loud
Too then to be right now
I'll trade the why for how

Weightless, eyes closed, let it go
Let it take you down (take me down)
Weightless, eyes closed, let it go
Let it come around (come around)
Come around

Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' (I got nothin') under these Levis
Wanna see what's under these Levis?
I got nothin' under these Levis
I got nothin' under (I got nothin' under) these Levis
Wanna see what's (I got nothin' under)
I got nothin' under these Levis

Not today, no ballroom tears
Lipstick on my teeth in the mirror
How long has this been here?
How long have I been here?
But wait, what is that sound?
It's sharp, it's sad, it's loud
Too then to be right now
I'll trade the why for how

[Part II: Biscuits]

Sometime in August, one can of biscuits, you got to hold on
24 Miller Lites, and the dog on the couch with her shirt on

Summer of ‘23 but I can't remember the last one
Maybe you start living the moment you stop feeling so dumb

Pink blossoms luring you to an invitation from the sapling
Makes you wonder which magical things were already happening

Watch Samia's "Pants" video featuring actor Fred Hechinger: