Cooper Phillip - Last one

Last one by Cooper Phillip Song lyrics

Last One is Cooper Phillip's follow-up single to her "One Sweet December Night", which was released November 2024.

Last One was written by Cooper Philllip, and Myah Marie and produced by Gharah Degeddingseze, and it sings about how precious time is.

Cooper Phillip - Last One Song Lyrics were added here:

When you're feeling like
You just can't breathe no more
Tryna drown the voices in your head
You just gotta trust your heart and let em go
You know you know
You're just scared

You're afraid to let them see the way you shine
Try to cover up and blend right in
But you know your crown is way too bright to hide
You know it's always been there

Only God can give you time
Take a break and slow your mind
Without wings you still can fly

Never waste
Your energy
Cuz it's a
Fast Run

Your every day
Like it's your Last One

Giving up darkness
Giving up sadness
While you're still here

Embrace your madness
Your every day
Like it's your Last One

No regrets you know that it's already done
All the choices you already made
Cuz this beautiful person you've become
Nobody can take away.

Cooper Phillip - Last One (Official music video):